D and R Machinery - Arizona CNC Machine Tools | D and R Machinery
D&R Machinery is a distributor of high quality CNC machine tools and related products. We offer expert factory trained, full service, applications support and training on all the products we represent.
D and R Machinery
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Why Choose Us?

Over 20 Years in Business

Industry experience you can trust and a long list of clients to prove it. Our priority is keeping our customers satisfied. Meet our team

D&R Machinery has experience working with job shops, manufacturing firms, mold shops, aerospace, medical manufacturing and defense contractors, commercial component suppliers as well as manufacturers in the electronics industry. Need an entire shop start up? You came to the right place. We have done several.

A Premier Lineup of CNC Machines

Like you, we believe in using the right tool for the right job. That means meeting or exceeding expectations while advancing the capabilities in your shop.

Fast, Responsive Service and Support

All our sales start with service.  You will receive a quick response, factory trained, and experienced support.

All our sales start with service

Words from Satisfied Customers